Where’s the wisdom in a tooth?

Wisdom teeth as they call it appears late in life, if I am not mistaken, I think it should have pop out of your gums at the age of 18-25, thus completing your 32 sets of teeth. But I say, where the heck is wisdom in it? I think we should freakin call it as the dumb tooth, a lazy one that appears when you don’t really need it anymore and when it appears it makes a fucking grand entrance causing tremendous amount of pain and suffering.

The fuck man!! I am freaked out, my dumb tooth is just poppin out right now and I am frakin 30 years old, I don’t need another piece of tooth in my mouth.

Well, gotta go dudes and dudettes, I still need to find me a bottle of pain killers or a hammer perhaps to pound away this pain inside my mouth, it sure is as painful as hell.

Nuff said

Jai Guru Deva Om


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