The Guilty Verdict

I can’t seem to recall the date when the Estrada impeachment pushed thru that led to the Dancing Senator, the crying Loren, EDSA dos and Tres, the beginning of Gloria Arroyo’s blasphemous presidency and of course myself beginning to hate the Philippine politics more and more.

The 12th of September 2007 was the date set to give the verdict on the 6 years long plunder case that the Philippine Govt. filed against former president Erap and I am so glad that the verdict was guilty, yes you heard me right, I am so much glad about it. BUT, and that is a big but, I am not happy on the way that the trial was conducted and how the court ruled Erap guilty. For me, with the evidences presented and the way each of it was argued and debated upon in court, it is very and pretty much clear the Erap will win the case and be acquitted, that is why he, Erap, was so confident before the actual reading of the verdict. Unfortunately for him, Gloria cannot afford to let him go and be haunted by her own ghost. So a very big thumbs down for the sandigangbayan justices who gave in to Arroyo’s oppressive hands.

See that paragraph above, it is very confusing right? Well it ain’t at all. For me, as a regular Filipino citizen working my ass out in the scorching heat of the desert, I want to see justice served, and it was served right, since in my eyes, Erap is indeed guilty of plundering that money and he should pay for it like any citizen who commits crime. The thing is, the justices in Eraps trial never did have anything to convict him of plunder, it was a very weak case against erap, so how the hell were they able to convict him? Another dirty hand at work perhaps?

Anyway, to sum this picture up, it is, for me, a justice obtained by the Filipino people and I really do hope that this will be the beginning of true justice in the Philippines and that we will not stray away from it and pursue those in power now that have plundered and still plundering billions more of money compared to that of Erap. We must not let go Mr. and Mrs. Arroyo with what they have done to our country since it is incomparable to anything that our history have. If justice was served to Erap, let justice also be served to that blatant president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.

Jai Guru Deva Om


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