Call it poetry or prose

Oh well, time was just slippin’ away once more in my little clinic and I think I left my thinking cap on in my head cause words suddenly spun around my hallow head and got me in this writing mood, well I was even surprised my self cause while opening Microsoft word, the only thing that I had in mind to do is to write another silly blog, but no sir, I was bitten by the poetry bug and I was quite anxious about it since I don’t have any red pen near me at this moment but hell yeah I have to get this out of my system. I still don’t have any tactile idea to grasp or to begin with when my finger just hit the letter “G” on the keyboard and that was all that it took for my heart and mind to work as one and ponder about my beloved Geralyn. It’s also funny cause after almost 12 years of being married with this girl she has bugged me countless times to write her a poem, and I may have scribbled quite a few but nothing compares to this one, maybe because it is her in my heart and soul right now and nothing else.

Smile cracks in my face and it is another odd thing for me to do hee hee hee, (to those who know me they’ll understand what I am saying). No red pen, no diary, out of the blue and a silly grin in my face, I must really be in love once more.

So friends, I share to you, a little something that I made for my wife from the deepest part of my heart, and I aptly called it………


You are the time worth and well spent
You are the angel heaven sent
Like a knife in a surgeons hand
You cut me open then help me mend

You are the other footprint in my sand
My guiding light in this dusty land
A ray of hope when I’m in misery
God’s precious gift in life’s mystery

You are what I am
And I am what you are
And even if we’re afar
We’ll always look at the same big star

My soul will wonder countless lands
Until the day you’re in my hands
And one more time we will replay
Those happy times that we were gay

Though sands of time may slip away
Through countless eons this I pray
Whatever lifetime I may be
I hope to find you and you find me

Together we are a marching band
Against all odds we’ll hold our hands
And even if the night is blue
I’ll make it through if I have you

Praise be to heaven above
For it granted me your love
Victory to God divine
Geralyn you are mine

Jai Guru Deva Om


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