The Christian Ideology

Have you been thinking of God for the past few days? Have you been thinking of him at all? Or you’re just caught up in a religion that was passed to us by our parents that they to get from their parents? What truly is your stance between you and your God? How do you defend him? How do you love him? How do you know him?
Let me state my mind. I am born a Christian, a Roman Catholic to be precise, I was raised well by my parents with belief and love and fear of God the way my forefathers did. But in the time that we are in now, do this beliefs stand? Is it sufficient to instil the true ideology of the catholic faith? Or is it all going down the drain?
We are living in a very fast life now, and many things, the ways of the old are drowning in it, sad to say including our religion. I don’t think the merely attending our Sunday masses or doing the Angelus, praying the rosary or saying your novenas is enough to keep this religion alive. I may be crucified for what I am going to say but I really do think that my religion is sick and it is dying. And until we act upon it so as our faith, yes our faith will die as well. Do we still want to see this utter chaos come to life?
The Roman Catholic have been very lenient, and I think that its leniency had been its downfall. We allow our ranks to be infiltrated by various groups and people who had been the termite in our sacred institution. We allow ourselves to enter our house of worship dressed in very sacrilegious garments. We allow ourselves to be distracted by ringing mobile phones while hearing the Sunday sermon or worst by not being able to hear the Word of God because we are so darn busy buying our kids balloons and popcorns inside the church premises.
If you are a true Christian, then you must have heard how the young Jesus Christ got angry to those who are not giving respect in his Fathers house, yet we allow it during this time and age. I am not seeking for an iron rod or a tight grip but please, we must return the respect to the church and a little slap on the back won’t hurt. Try to explain to your kids, to your wife, to your parents, to your neighbours and friends, hell to yourself what is the true purpose of going to mass and being included in the Catholic faith then maybe we can all one day wake up and see that the world is a little bit better than this.


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