The Apocalypse Theory

In the Marvel Universe, there is a certain character named Apocalypse, of course he also has his 4 henchmen namely Famine, War, Pestilence and Death. Now I don’t know what came across my mind or the reason why I even begun writing this piece. As a matter of fact I really don’t know what my main theme will be so this will just be a sort of anything goes thing, some sort of how my mind wonders and ponders over the world that we are in. Apocalypse wants to purge the world of weaklings, he wants the world to be a world wherein only the strongest survive that is why he goes around with his handymen bringing chaos and destruction in his path, luckily there’s the xmen and other marvel heroes to stop him, but that is not my point. My point dear friends, gloomy or dark as it may seem, I think the purging thing is somewhat needed by the world. Yes I will say it again, “I think that the world needs to be purged”. Shivers are running down my spine as I contemplate on what I have said, I am very afraid of what it means, but the other hemisphere of my brain still tells me that there is something beneficial after the devastation, yet my heart is sunk. I am no expert or anywhere near a clean soul so do not judge this entry thru the man who wrote it rather contemplate on what it is trying to convey. How old do you really think our planet is? How many footsteps have it endured, how many species did it saw come and go? Do you think it will disagree to have his land purged from us humans? I certainly don’t think so. I think the Earth already did this process millions of years ago, when the dinosaurs and other enormous and gigantic beast still ruled it. I think Earth got fed up to what those mighty beings have done to her land and brought about its destruction. I just don’t know the details but I think it is Earths spirit that caused it. With the recent and dramatic changes in our climate that is being blamed to all of us humans, I think it is only the beginning of the purging process the Earth will be doing and I don’t think that we can stop it, no sir, not unless we really give up our luxuries and go back to the very basic and simple living that our ancestors lived, but it will be a very far cry so I think the eminent human extinction is unavoidable. We cannot blame our planet about it; after all, she is just cleaning herself up from us parasites. How long have it been since there has been an evolution? I think it has long been overdue and the catastrophic probability that scientist predicts about our weather and how the polar ice will melt is just the beginning of this process. I don’t know what to add up anymore, I am too scared to continue or think of what might happen to us. I only hope that after our planet finished in cleaning itself, the new race will take better care of it than we did. Of course, all those things that I have written above were just fragments of my thoughts. And I hope that God forbids it to happen and that we find a way to clean our planet before it starts to clean us up. This is just my theory; I hope it won’t be our reality. Jai Guru Deva OM


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