The Middle East Crisis – CRY—SIS

I’ve been reading a lot of Arab news lately and I have often been caught up with the editorial section, I may say that it is quite insightful but is also equally irritable.
I have been reading about the Palestinian conflict this week and my eyes were opened by how our brothers in that poor country is suffering while we enjoy ourselves with a news paper and a warm cup of cappuccino on a lazy afternoon. There’s this Fatah and Hamas thing going on in there that’s being complicated by the Americans, Jews, EU etc, or so they say…..

I don’t know the roots of this chaos but I think that blaming everything to the US is sheer stupidity; I mean, how long does this crisis existed? If everyone knows that the US is the culprit of everything nasty that is happening not just in the middle east but in the whole world, then for Christ sake do something about it……Stop nagging and pointing your fingers on uncle Sam, do something reasonable that the world may benefit from, don’t just keep on yakking and please don’t resolve it thru violence or terrorism. We have all forms of media widely available to us now, we can use it to inform the public of what is happening and later on inform international bodies of what we are truly facing.

Just so damn sick of hearing that US is the ultimate source of evil wherein we can really see otherwise, I know that US had done catastrophic and monumental atrocities throughout time but please lord why do we always ask for them to intervene???

There’s nothing more for me to say but “Cry Sis & Bro”


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