Hatching Teri

I am not an avid fan of the series “Desperate Housewives” although it is a huge success not only in the US but throughout the world, in fact, I have not seen a single episode of it even though I have a copy of 3 or 4 seasons of it that was dished out to me by one friend. My point is I do not really know what is the plot of the story that is being told in that series.

I was quite shocked to see in the news about the scene wherein Teri Hatcher said quite a small word but very demeaning to Filipino doctors, medical practitioners or perhaps the whole Filipino people. I being a Nurse in profession and being a Filipino citizen is outraged by that scene and public apology is not enough for me to ease the anger that I’ve felt about it, But, this matter put me into thinking mode, “what in the world could the writer be thinking of when he/she did the script?” and “Why the hell would Teri Hatcher deliver it knowing the impact it will make?”

Answering the 2 questions I have in mind, I find it somewhat blurry to start with. Of course being the offended party I will be biased in my conclusions and sympathize with the Filipino people. But I will try to get pass the anger that I felt and try to rationalize things a bit. Number 2 question have found an easy answer for me, being an actress, of course Teri Hatcher is obliged to do what the director and the script asks of her, let me call it “Professionalism” so she is off the hook, I guess!!! So this leaves us to the writer whoever he/she maybe. My wild guess will be that this writer had somewhat saw what our country was capable of, I mean capable of many things that are blemished with anomaly and controversy and though it is sad to say, it is a known fact that things like this are happening and the whole world has an open eye and sees it clearly, unfortunately for us Filipino people, we are always blinded by a few bucks either to keep our mouth shut or to open them wide in rallies.

I hate to continue on that paragraph above so I’ll just finish this entry on this paragraph. I am not letting off the hook anyone involved in that very foolish scene in desperate housewives and I hope that the world would think twice before they do harm to the Filipino people. And I also hope that our government and we Filipinos would not cease and just be contented with a public apology, I think we should try and make a study why do such things occur and maybe try to correct whatever it is the needs correction in our system (of course it means ousting the blasphemous president that we have) so as not to give the world any chance for them to humiliate us. We are a proud people, we are great people and that has been proven in almost all the field that this planet have, so let us take this mockery seriously and try to introspect a bit, maybe there is some truth in that disgusting episode after all.

Jai Guru Deva Om


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