
I was watching CNN the other day and I saw one episode about Elephants in Sumatra and how human encroachment puts them in peril.......and it made me wonder!!!!

How big is the human populace in the world right now? it is really huge and ever growing and trying to protect the wild animals would literally mean trying to hinder human population into thriving and living.

I know it would sound harsh to say that those are only animals and they are expendable but if you have to choose between two lesser evils then of course you'd rather choose the human race. I mean, would you rather sleep in a 2 feet by 2 feet wall where there is an open space that is being protected for a wild animal? of course, with our animal instinct we will try to go and find and CLAIM a suitable place specially if you have an offspring even if it means disrupting the natural habitat of wild life. That's just plain reality and I think it already happened a million years back otherwise we would not be enjoying our certain luxuries and privileges right now.

I think my friends, we are in an era of survival right now, there's just to many people to think about for us to be thinking about animals.

I hope someone can change my way of thinking for I sure am famished of thought on what to do on this matter, I do care for the animals but I care more about human beings, I can only try to protect them to a certain extent so long as it does not imperil my own race.

Nuff said.

Jai Guru Deva Om


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