Sex and Sexuality or just sex!!!

How do you define sex? Is it the classification between the two God created genders or is it an act of releasing a primal urge that all normal human beings have?

Filipino culture, well the old one to be precise, don’t talk that much about this topic, it is somewhat labeled as immoral to talk about especially with the youngsters around, and sad to say, some or many part of our country still has this way of thinking. Speaking of the ways of the old, it has been practiced and observed that a single partner should be engaged in sex and it should not be without the blessing of a marriage, hmmm!!! Or so they say. Let us all be frank, we all know the fact that even in medieval times man has always engaged or tried to engage in sex with more than just a single partner, I just don’t know why God made is so pleasurable to man that we just can’t really seem to have enough. Of course there are also the nympho women in our midst. It is not only men that have this craving for flesh; women also have lust for carnal knowledge.

Being a man, sorry for the female readers but I’m just giving my insight, I admit to being a weakling to sex, I mean not a weakling in bed but a weakling when it comes to controlling myself in having sex. For me, having sex with almost all women that I can have is bliss, well that was before, before I met my wife and before I really found out the true meaning of sex for me. Of course I still admit to have sexual fantasies with gazillion of girls’ hee hee hee. You see, the act of sexual intercourse is not enough for me to define it as sex, I would even dare say that masturbating is far off a good definition for me that having a crappy sex with a random partner. We are talking about the deeper meaning of sex in here.

Let me elaborate, well basing on books that I read and facts about my life and having to hear gazillion of friends bragging about their lay in bed, I can say that sex is clearly undefined to the world. Yeah we are now talking about it in school, we are tying to integrate it to the morality of our religion and we are trying to mimic the norms that our elders had using it as a basis or yardstick for ourselves. But is it enough? Do you as a person know what you mean if you use the word sex? Or better yet, can you define what you are doing when you engage in the act? I bet my underpaid ass that you just do it as it comes and leave it as it goes.

I don’t think I elaborated anything on the last paragraph that I wrote hee hee hee, anyway, what I am trying to say here is that in order for us to educate our youngsters we must first educate ourselves with the subject matter. We must clearly have to know what it is that we are trying to achieve with sex. For me, it is a union, I won’t dare to say that it is a sacred thing to do because I want to shy away from the moral side of it, for me, it is an understanding between you and your partner, a trust, letting someone see you in your most naked and bare moment, having someone touch you in your most vulnerable state that is sex to me. Of course it is as pleasurable as hell but I won’t allow anyone aside from my trusted wife to see my innermost part, as my famous line from my high school day’s goes “maglalaway sila”.

Here is one good line form a book that I came to love now. “If you can’t have sex, masturbate” it will surely release the sexual tension that you are experiencing. So, have a nice life, enjoy a good sex and stay away from AIDS.

Jai guru deva om


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