Oh Powerful Prayer!!!

Rain rain go away come again another day!!! I think this the new chant that we can hear from the Filipino people who is now suffering from excessive rainfall.

It was not long ago that the Philippine Government announced that there is a dry spell in the country and we will really need a miracle for the rain to fall because our ever “TRUSTED” weather bureau named “PAGASA” said that chances of rain are very slim throughout the remainder of the year. There were widespread concern and our “BELOVED” president Gloria convened all those people to plan for the things that we can do to alleviate this crisis or the foreseeable crisis. Cloud seeding was one of the methods used and gave little if no benefit at all, well of course that is for the Filipino people, but for those corrupt officials, of course it adds up to their purses.

Anyway, amidst these things, many groups came out with rain dances, ethnical chanting and other bru ha have to ask for rain. I am not against any of these and I am even thankful for them so long as they don’t waste water like they waste their time on their said endeavor. Of course, the powerful Catholic Church asked for the people to pray for rain, my apologies to you guys cause I forgot what that prayer wall called. I was one of those who beseeched the almighty for rain, and thank you Lord for heeding our prayers.

This only shows how powerful a prayer can be, specially if the whole nation will be one in asking for it and if we will solemnly ask for it then it will be granted, See how rain came, it was very bountiful, in fact maybe too bountiful for our needs. Well sabi nga nila once the Lord God provides “Siksik, Liglig at umaapaw” and I think it is too darn evident in the flood waters.

I know for a fact that prayers are really answered and it is even strengthened by this event that had transpired. So maybe we can use our powerful prayer for yet another good cause, well good is under rated, I meant VERY GOOD cause. My dear fellow men, dear Filipino citizens, my dear Catholic, Christian, Muslim and other brothers, why don’t we once more unite, unite for a prayer, a prayer for our country to be rid of a very scrupulous leader. I urge everyone and all to pray the Gloria Macapagal Arroyo RESIGN in her post, we must pray night and day and with our whole heart for this request because it is for the betterment of our country.

Now one thing is left to see, which will be more powerful, our prayers or the cheating bitch of a president that the Philippines have. Nuff said.

Jai guru deva om


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