Comfortably Numb

Hello! Is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me.

Hmmm! Garbage! Piles and piles of it along the city streets, along the old barrios, the pedestrian crossings, the school grounds and even the church premises. And it is not just on the land my friends, have you seen your body of water lately? What is that I see, are those plastic bottles and waste floating in there? I think nobody will drown in these waters because there is plenty of garbage in it that we can use as a lifesaving device of some sort. That of course my friend is “Sarcasm”.

If I remember correctly, when I was still in my elementary days, we have a subject regarding the environment, how to take care of it, how to nurture it and how to keep it clean and tidy. I never took real notice of it until the segregation thing came into the world, or my world perhaps, that made me look at things quite differently, after hearing about it, I got some knowledge of how different kind of garbage affects my environment and even me. It really got me taking care of my waste, and I think even our whole subdivision as well, there were many garbage cans, three in each place where you can put your segregated garbage in and afterwards it will be picked up by the garbage truck and dumped in some landfill or something. I thought it was good, I thought it was optimal, I thought we were heading for something good. Unfortunately I was wrong as well as I was naïve of what really is happening with regards to this issue.

I don’t know the details so don’t blame me for this, what I am offering as always is for my readers to have an open mind to what I am saying and maybe stir something in your heart to make you aware that you are always a part of the whole, after all, “no man is an island”.

Let me continue, as what I have stated, the segregation thing is good, I mean the idea is very good, the thing is, after we have segregated our waste, after the tedious but fulfilling task, what happens to the garbage? Until the moment that it was collected by the garbage man, Mother Nature scores perfect on our effort but after that the real mess begins. I mean, what the hell happened to the whole process of segregation if the collectors just mixed them all up again in their trucks and head on to the dump site where they just throw all the waste in without regards to whatsoever. There goes my time and effort perfectly wasted.

Land fills, growing population and international waste, let me talk about this things now. We know very well that there is not enough land to dump our own waste, that is why it is literally in our streets, and with the ongoing boom of Filipino populace I don’t think it will ever be resolved like this. Having this fact in mind, why the hell did our government allow Japan to dump their waste in our country? Jesus Christ what the hell is going on? We don’t have enough space for the tons and tons of our own personal waste and here comes Gloria Arroyo taking in toxic and hazardous waste from Japan. I really don’t know how she can sleep at night.

So how my friends do you think we can address such issues? How can a simple man be a part of the whole like what I’ve said if the whole is being corrupted by the very person in whom we entrusted our country? This is just an issue about garbage, what more of those of higher interest.

I myself is lost to what we can do about this, nevertheless I don’t stop thinking of ways of how I can improve it and maybe someday find an idea to help us all in dealing with it. I know it is now a part of our norms of life, I hate to admit it but that’s the way our people are dealing with it, they are all just….well….”comfortably numb”.


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