Touch me as well my Lord

This is an excerpt from my uncles entry in JOBJPN portal which I coppied without his permission, I hope and I know he wouldnot mind me taking such action without his approval.

It had been quite sometime since we talked wth each other and such a long time that I have not been able to see him face to face. I was really not surprised to receive a call last 3rd of April coming from Japan, I was kindda expecting tito jhonvit and tita tess to give thier greetings to me. I wasn't surprised but I sure was excied to talk to them and hear thier voices and exchange tidbits o info regarding ourselves and those around us as well.

let me cut this short, during our conversation, tito Jhonvit asked me to visit a portal created by his Christian fellowship, he told me that he wrote something in there and there's a;so a recent photo of him, tita tess and Michiko as well, hearing this, I was quick on my keys and in an instant browsed the first site that he gave, unfortunately the phone line was cut off and so ended our chit chat. I replaced the phones handset and went on with my hustle and bustle leaving the webpage flashing on my screen which my wife and daughter were eagerly browsing and searching for the pix, unfortunately, it was not the site that we were hoping for.

an hour or two passed and we received anothercall from them, we continued our exchange of stories with sheer enthusiasm and I rebooted my notebook and started my web browser and typed the second URL that tito Jhonvit gave me. Alas!!! it was the right one, and me and my family were so glad to look at the picture of the 3 important persons in ourlives, as we were merrily lookin at the pix, I chanced upon the testimony that my dearest uncle wrote beneath thier picture, I saw bible passages and it did not even nudge my curiosity or interest to read what is written in there. So the phone call ended and I went down to my bike and busied myself, my wife and Shane remained in the internet and I think they read page of tito Jhonvit. When I returned to our room, I revisited my dgital life and saw the page still open in one of the windows, I just gave it a quick glance and went on surfing the net.

That night, I was already flat on bed, it just strike me there and then, something that I cannot explain, suddenly I felt warmth and happiness and found myself thanking God for showing Tito Jhonathan the light and path towards him, and I also felt sad cause I am still looking for that path and I am always stumbling down the crooked road of earthly desires.

It made me cry, cry cause I am so happy for my uncle and I hope that he won't permit the world to reclaim him towards darker realms, cry cause I saw my long time Idol transformed to what I want to be, cry cause I'm still doing the things that I need not do for it will ruin everything that sorrounds me, cry cause I am beggin the Lord to touch me like he did to tito Jhonvit, cry cause I wanted to wash away the dirt in my soul so that I would be pleasing to my Gods eyes, cry cause I wanted to change for so long yet I hinder myself from doing so, cry cause I wanted to cry and feel like a child waiting for a comforting hand, cry cause I see my family, my wife and children so beautiful and lovely to have a wicked man like me, cry cause that's all I can do since I know I am wrong and have always been wrong hoping all will be well even if I am causing the problems in lfe, cry cause I know how to cry and I carry the words that God gave to tito jhonvit that renewed his life. until now I am crying, thinking and wondering, begging and praying the Lord to accept me by his side.

Let me share to you the wonderful testimony of my Uncle, my Brother, my friend...........

Jai guru Deva Om

Experience God's Love

Psalm 31:21-22 Praise the Lord! How wonderful is the experienced of love of God He showed me when I was surrounded & attacked! I was afraid & thought that he had driven me out of His presence. But He heard my cry, when I called to Him for help. Truly we never know what's in the mind of our Lord God, he is so mysterious the way he moves us, the way he uses us,especially the time that hope seems impossible and life is so miserable.there's no friend or relatives that I can depend on, no shoulders to cry on ,not anybody, because nobody trusted me. but God is different, He rushes to me, to hear my cry, he let me cry on His shoulder and trust that I can makr it through. This is a real event or phase of my life when God showed His love to me mightily.Have you been in to drugs and controlling yourself by its power? wanting for more everyday, that you cannot do anything without taking any dose of it. always thinking how to have: by any means, like stealing, robbing, tell lies, begging even to the point of killing anybody, my life then is so empty, useless ,without hope and future .There comes a time when i tried to kill myself by pointing a gun on my right head & close my eyes. as I pull the trigger, suddenly a light spark in the darkness of my mind. Instantly ,my sanity came back as i cried to the Lord "Thank you Oh God" You love me for you did not let me do that, you have plans for me, but what your plan for me? as my tears pouring out of my eyes. I ask forgiveness and praise Him. God reminded me (Matt. 11:28-30) come to me, all of you who are tired from carrying heavy loads, & I will give you rest. Take my yoke & put it on you & learn from me, because I am gentle & humble in Spirit; & you will find rest. For the yoke I will give you is easy, and the load I will put on you is light. God also reminded me a song "foot prints in the sand" as i reminisced the verses and the song especially the part of what God said "my son my precious child I love you and I would never leave you, during your times of suffering when you could see one set of foot prints, It was then that I carried you". By His grace, mercy and love, I felt the heat with in my heart and experienced God's love touch. Remember! God uses our lowest time in life to show His love & mercy and raised & lift us up to stand firm. The ultimate love God has given to us is obviously seen in the cross, The Man on the cross, The Son of man, The Redeemer, The Most Holy, The Son of God, The King of King's non other than our "Lord Jesus Christ" the foundation of our Faith. John 3:16. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. Psalm 31:24 Be Strong, be courageous, all you that hope in the Lord. Hallelujah! To God be the Glory

By Jonathan F. Vitan


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